THE PLACE Questions

When will the book be available to purchase? 

The novel is currently available for purchase since its release in March 2023!

Is “THE PLACE” a book series?

Yes. If “THE PLACE”, the first book, gets enough support then Nancy will write a next in series book.

Is there ‘objectionable’ content included in the story?

There is some spotty mild ‘adult content’including profanity and a couple references of having sexual relations.

Is the story intended for English audiences only?

Though written in mostly English – THE PLACE is intended for people of all languages, cultures, and beliefs. We look to inspire a new sense of hope within all minds of our world.

Is this story science fiction?

THE PLACE is a new type of storytelling genre TAP calls ‘real fiction’. Real fiction is fiction of the moment intended to become reality of tomorrow. Meaning the possibility of the world-improvement concepts presented – are really able to become real – in our real world. Some of the solutions are already engineered, prototyped and tested. The infocomm improvement concept that Kavi presents is a tech tool already in existence.

What will come in next books?

Each book will present new world-improvement ideas – concepts, tools, and rules that can actually become reality toward creating better balance between humanity and our biosphere as well as indefinite sustainability. Major topics Nancy will select from include: money, economics, governance, and education. TAP envisions a near-future world where all global citizens, across all time, play the game of life with a more consistent set of renewable resources, better infocomm and more opportunities to thrive. Meaning we do not have to keep handing our kids and grandkids increasingly problematic and dysfunctional lives.

Where will the proceeds from the book go?

Modest revenue will be put toward the next book creation. Anything above this will go toward software development – of the many sub-initiatives of TAP.

TAP Questions

Is it too late to save humanity?

Absolutely not! But serious change is required. Today’s world model and game is far too selfish – with way too much disinformation. We MUST put the welfare of the future world above our present wants and needs. We have to stop lying and taking advantage of others – for game advantage and profit, and we must work within the reality of the whole universe, our biosphere, Earth, and our innate human motivations and limitations.

What’s the core problem of today’s world?

TAP sees it as our misunderstanding – due to dis and misinformation. Fix this first, and then we have a chance of avoiding self-extinction. Most of us have no idea what’s really going on in the universe. Yes, there’s something way more important happening. It’s not about humanity alone. We are not alone. We are not the only ones playing in the game.

Does TAP create a utopian world?

No! The world that TAP aspires to, has all the same challenges our universe hands us today. There’s no avoiding these. The greatest difference is there are far fewer challenges generated by the misunderstanding and/or selfishness of humankind. The human-generated challenges never go away completely either. In a TAP-based world there’s less complexity and more simplicity, especially of the major civilization systems and rules. TAP helps reduce the factors and chances of human self-extinction.

What’s the TAP model?

It’s a complete civilization framework. Everything needed to function and thrive as a human species here on planet Earth. The big difference is it’s primary objective is future-centric versus present-centric – meaning it does what’s best for future humanity vs. what’s best for us inhabitants of today. This better ensures humanity will continue indefinitely across time.

Who is ‘the alien’? 

TAP must survive on its own. The creator of TAP, Joe, will soon be gone. Anyone can be given the title of ‘the alien’ in the future – to lead forward the TAP initiative. Actually, anyone can become a TAP alien or someone who supports the transitioning to the TAP world philosophy and reality. The term alien is used because it naturally infers someone different from another place. With TAP, this other place is not a physical place – instead a place of thought, understanding and belief.

Why is today’s world so troublesome?

TAP will suggest today’s model design details are to blame. It’s model was carefully engineered to give advantage to the few at the top of the pyramid. Yes, today’s world is all a pyramid scheme of sorts. Every system and law helps those at the top maintain the power, wealth and control. But it need not be this way. Also today’s model is unsustainable. With it, total implosion and human extinction are inevitable.